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Cairngorms National Park Authority Planning & Development Control Committee 22nd September 2006, The Albert Memorial Hall, Ballater Additional Paper; Call-in Recommendation Report CNPA Ref 06/365/CP Applicant Name 02 Airwave Limited Development Cnoc Fergan, Tomintoul Development Details Install 1 No. 0.8m and 1 No. 0.3m Transmission Dishes and Ancillary Equipment on Existing Mast CNPA Notified 05-Sep-06 Call-in Expiry 26-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints AGLV CNPA Ref 06/366/CP Applicant Name Mr & Mrs T Reilly Development Land to South of Monadhliath, Ben Alder Road, Dalwhinnie Development Details Erection of dwelling CNPA Notified 07-Sep-06 Call-in Expiry 28-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 06/367/CP Applicant Name Mrs R A Liggat Development Brierlea, Mossie Road, Grantown-On-Spey Development Details Erection of replacement double garage CNPA Notified 07-Sep-06 Call-in Expiry 28-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 06/368/CP Applicant Name Badaguish Outdoor Centre Development Badaguish, Rothiemurchus, Aviemore Development Details Erection of 2 chalets and access and parking (amended siting) CNPA Notified 07-Sep-06 Call-in Expiry 28-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints NSA Adj AWI Prev App 05/017/CP CNPA Ref 06/369/CP Applicant Name Cromdale Village Hall Committee Development Cromdale Village Hall, Cromdale Development Details Construction of pitched roof over flat roofed extension CNPA Notified 07-Sep-06 Call-in Expiry 28-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints Adj AWI NMR CNPA Ref 06/370/CP Applicant Name Norman & Fiona MacLeod Development Site C Edenkillie, High Burnside, Aviemore Development Details Erection of dwelling CNPA Notified 07-Sep-06 Call-in Expiry 28-Sep-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints None CNPA Ref 06/371/CP Applicant Name Mr Mark Finnie Development Site to Rear of Glenavon Hotel, The Square, Tomintoul Development Details Erect dwellinghouse CNPA Notified 11-Sep-06 Call-in Expiry 02-Oct-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints AGLV Adj NMR CNPA Ref 06/372/CP Applicant Name Colin Lawson (Builders) Ltd Development Site 9, Achnagonalin Industrial Estate, Grantown-On-Spey Development Details Erection of workshop, office and showroom building CNPA Notified 11-Sep-06 Call-in Expiry 02-Oct-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints AWI, SNAWI CNPA Ref 06/373/CP Applicant Name Albyn Housing Society Development Former Shower Block, Glenmore Camping and Caravan Site, Rothiemurchus, Aviemore Development Details Erection of 2 dwellings CNPA Notified 11-Sep-06 Call-in Expiry 02-Oct-06 Application Type REM Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints Prev App 05/013/CP, NSA Adj AWI NMR CNPA Ref 06/374/CP Applicant Name SSE Power Distribution Development Badaguish Outdoor Centre, Rothiemurchus, Aviemore Development Details Change of single pole to double pole in 11kv overhead line CNPA Notified 11-Sep-06 Call-in Expiry 02-Oct-06 Application Type S37 Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints NSA Adj AWI NMR CNPA Ref 06/375/CP Applicant Name Dr’s Iason and Ader Development Clifton House, Dinnet, Aboyne Development Details Alterations and Extensions to dwellinghouse CNPA Notified 12-Sep-06 Call-in Expiry 03-Oct-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints SESA-SINS Adj NMR CNPA Ref 06/376/CP Applicant Name Forestry Commission Scotland Development Development Site at Strathmashie, Laggan Development Details Construction of gateway feature information point CNPA Notified 14-Sep-06 Call-in Expiry 05-Oct-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints AGLV Prev Apps 03/055/CP, 04/004/CP, 04/413/CP, 05/409/CP, 06/096/CP & 06/317/CP Adj NMR CNPA Ref 06/377/CP Applicant Name D.P Tindall Development Land to South East of, Rynuan, Nethy Bridge Development Details Erection of dwelling CNPA Notified 14-Sep-06 Call-in Expiry 05-Oct-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation To Follow Call-in Reasons None Constraints AWI Adj SNAWI NNR RSPB SAC SPA SSSI CNPA Ref 06/378/CP Applicant Name The Royal Bank Of Scotland Group Development First Floor Flat, 59 High Street, Grantown-On-Spey Development Details Widening of vehicular access, formation of footpath CNPA Notified 14-Sep-06 Call-in Expiry 05-Oct-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints CA Prev App 05/517/CP CurrentApp 06/379/CP Adj NMR CNPA Ref 06/379/CP Applicant Name The Royal Bank Of Scotland Group Development First Floor Flat, 59 High Street, Grantown-On-Spey Development Details Demolition of boundary wall (Conservation Area Consent) CNPA Notified 14-Sep-06 Call-in Expiry 05-Oct-06 Application Type CON Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints CA Prev App 05/517/CP CurrentApp 06/378/CP Adj NMR CNPA Ref 06/380/CP Applicant Name Mr N Reid Development Garden Ground of Edencoille, Grantown-On-Spey Development Details Erection of dwelling CNPA Notified 18-Sep-06 Call-in Expiry 09-Oct-06 Application Type FUL Planner Recommendation No Call-in Call-in Reasons None Constraints Prev App 05/426/CP Adj AWI